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Egyptian Hieroglyphs with Old Hebrew
Judith Weinshall Liberman

I created the HIEROGLYPHS WITH OLD HEBREW series in 2023, when I was 94 years old. The series was part of several series of acrylic paintings designed to portray, through the use of illegible texts, the chaos in our world. The illegibility of Egyptian hieroglyphs, at least to non-experts, is well-known, and, in fact, Egyptian hieroglyphs were illegible even to experts until Champollion deciphered them about two centuries ago. In creating the present series, I derived particular pleasure in combining the written language of ancient Egypt with that of the Hebrews, who were slaves in Egypt until Moses led them to the Promised Land. The paintings in this series were created via the ancient art of stenciling. I used two stencils for each painting.

Judith Weinshall Liberman

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